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There was increase in fundamentalfrequency, maximum phonation time and self-reference voice-related quality of life.
The fundamentalfrequency variability increased in women after VHFO.
These effects were not found using synthesized control sounds matched for mean fundamentalfrequency and amplitude envelope.
When the electron then relaxes back to its lower fundamentalfrequency, it must do so by making a discrete jump.
They hope that they will be able to determine whether the fundamentalfrequency alone conveys sufficient information on individual identity to enable vocal recognition.
The sine and cosine coefficients of the firstharmonic are extracted from the gated views and reconstructed.
Beyond that note, increased pressure, or overblowing, assisted by a harmonic "speaker" key, produces the firstharmonic, that of the octave, and so on.
Thynne, in his Zauber Flöte, introduced stopped pipes blown so as to produce their firstharmonic (an interval of a twelfth from the ground tone).